Deals. What can I get for $20?

I love a good deal. Really.

My dear husband has come home on more than one occasion letting me know about some major repair that needs to happen. Transmission repairs, furnace replacement, roof damage, etc. Each explanation from him ends the same way. He gives me the gory details and expected cost and I reply with, “What can I get for $20?”

Every time.

He is typically not amused. I normally am.

I know I don’t have to do much convincing that raising kids can be expensive. However, I’ve learned a few tips along the way from other budget conscious moms. If I’m going to dress my kids ‘on the cheap’ I still want them to look cute. Well, as cute as kids that look like they’re extras on a Depression Era film can look……which is actually pretty darn cute.

So, from time to time I will send out bargains, deals, info that might help as you shop for all sorts of things. I promise to always put ‘Deals’ in the subject. If you’d prefer to hear about my crazy crew but avoid the sales and deals, just skip the posts labeled ‘Deals.’


I shop at Gymboree more than I care to admit. They often run good sales and I normally receive a 20% off coupon in the mail. Combining the coupon and sales can lead to some very inexpensive outfits. Currently, they are running 50% off clearance and a ‘$3.99 and up’ sale.

I recently purchased matching pajamas for the entire family.

Oh yes, the groaning you’ll hear on Christmas morning will be from my husband. And likely the oldest son. But I’m the mom and this year I WIN!!

In response to my original question, you can actually get quite a few things for my $20 budget!
Plaid ShirtThis adorable plaid shirt is only $6.99. Regularly $29.95

Plaid Shirt

Same story, different plaid.  $7.99. Regularly $29.95


 Striped Dress

Super cute striped dress is $12. Regularly $29.95.

 Multi-Striped Dress

I love getting my girls matching dresses. These are $7.50. Regularly $26.95


 Striped Socks

These socks are $1.50 and colorful enough to be an easy match while doing laundry. Win/win. And just think how many pairs I can get for my $20 budget.

FYI. They have a ton of stuff on sale but sizes vary on the items that are least expensive.


Happy Shopping!


P.S. Ladies, your husbands messaged me and said they also want the striped reindeer pajamas. Ok, maybe not….

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Gymboree Sale On Now!

(Note: The links in this post are affiliate links. Please read the disclosure here.)

2 thoughts on “Deals. What can I get for $20?

  1. I TOTALLY want matchy matchy Christmas pjs! Also – I do not shop at Gymboree BUT I have several Gymboree pieces that are now on their 5th child…FIFTH – they are AH-mazing quality clothes! Look at you—win! Win! WIN! 🙂

    • Come check out our matching Jammies!!! I might have to post some Christmas photos. I’m sure the hubs would love that ????

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