Thanks to each lovely soul who helped our family make it to the last day of school. Thanks to you. And you. And you and you. We made it! 

It’s the last day of school. Thank you to everyone who helped our family achieve this glorious moment. Each of you played a significant role in getting us to where we are today.

Today is the last day of school, a day I wasn’t convinced I would live to see. January and February are sooooooo long and monotonous that it can be easy to believe the school year will never, ever, ever EVER end. Alas, it is here. In all of its overscheduled, overhyped, jam packed, emotional joy.

I would like to thank those of you who helped in allowing me to witness the end of another school year and the start of summer…which will undoubtedly elicit prayers. So many prayers. Mainly for sanity and peace and chocolate. Oh, and a great sangria recipe.

Thank you to the teachers who forgave me for forgetting to sign the agenda book for days and days at a time. Also for overlooking that I sometimes forgot which of my children you were teaching.

Thank you to the person who issues the ‘your kid barely has any money in his/her lunch account’ emails. Those were very helpful in determining exactly how many “extras” my child was purchasing. They also prompted lengthy discussions about the fact that Scooby Snacks are more of a ‘want’ and less of a ‘need.’  These discussions will likely need to continue…

Thank you to the nurse who soothed my child and his/her stomach ache, scraped knee, shoulder pain, mild headache, bug bite, hangnail, loose thread on shirt. Despite my instructions to only visit you if vomiting or bleeding, they continued to go to you and you continued to be kind. God bless you.

Thank you to the bus driver who held the bus (more than once) for our late arrival. Thank you for not judging my family or holding a grudge because we slowed you down… least to our faces. Thank you for the Christmas gift for each child which included a Sunkist soda and Blow Pops. My kids had energy for days. Wait…..this was how you paid me back for being late, wasn’t it?!

Thank you to our precious neighbors who often waved frantically from the bus stop to let us know the bus driver was bearing down on our street. We owe you for missing the tardy bell at school… at least ten times. 

Thank you to the countless room mothers who exhibited creativity that I couldn’t possibly muster even if I forcefed myself Pinterest for weeks on end. Your upbeat attitude and ability to NOT scream while being pecked to death by 25 seven-year-olds is astonishing.

Thank you to every parent who emailed, texted or called to say,”Hey, I’m sure you already knew but……”  I appreciate you phrasing it as such to let me save a little face……because you and I both know I didn’t know. Or I had at one point known but had forgotten. You are my heroes.

Thanks to everyone who works in maintenance, janitorial or administrative department in any capacity. As the co-chief of those roles in my own household, I know your jobs are incredibly important and often go without fanfare. Please know that when I step in the school I notice the shiny floors and I am envious. Please know that I notice the neat filing system in your office. Again, envy. Thank you for giving my children the chance to exist in a neat, orderly environment. My hope is that they will learn to create the same in our home. I have high hopes. Perhaps delusional, but a mom can dream.

Thanks to my parents and in-laws for every last minute offer because you ‘just happened to have cooked for 10’ even though there are only two of you living in your home. We enjoyed every impromptu dinner so very much as it allowed margin for homework and projects and athletic practices. The food was good but the company was better. The grace shown to your daughter/daughter-in-law was best.

Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude for the tiny window of elation that started when the children got off the bus on the last day of school and will abruptly end with the very first “I’m bored.” My money is on 18 hours. Two hours for the kid in the right.

It’s a joyful feeling while it lasts.

Wishing each of you a safe and wonderful summer! May you enjoy at least the next 18 hours!!!


(This is an affiliate link for a project that will likely keep your kid from saying, “I’m bored” for at least 30 minutes.)

**Please consider sharing your email to receive TickingTimeMom directly to your inbox. I promise to share exactly how many “I’m bored” comments I get each day. In addition, you can find daily deals on Facebook at Ticking Time Mom Deals!**

8 thoughts on “Thanks to each lovely soul who helped our family make it to the last day of school. Thanks to you. And you. And you and you. We made it! 

  1. Already told the kids i don’t want to hear there is nothing to do or that they are hungry…So they each had to make a list of at least 20 things they can do/play/say/pray before they utter…I’m bored! 😉

  2. I absolutely love reading your blogs! tHey bring me back to a place that make me laugh , cry and take a few sighs of relief that I am past it all.
    But, it was worth every precious stressful, pull my hair out minute. I can say that now that I am on the other side:) have a wonderful summer!

  3. Love it! I heard some words of wisdom from a fellow mom, while on the phone with her, yesterday. She told her child, “If you are bored, then put on your shoes and go run around the block a few times.” I laughed at this, but loved the idea!!! Maybe we can use it for the younger ones and tell them to run laps in the fenced in back yard? It might work for about 15 minutes…right? Oh, come on…it would only work for 5 minutes, if they took the bait.

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