Daily Devotions for Moms- Day #2

Philipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Given the intensity that often comes hand in hand with parenting, it’s a surprise we are not in constant prayer. From the moment we open our eyes until the second we are able to close them for sleep, it’s often a dead sprint to get kids up, ready for school, shuttled to activities, focused on homework, fed, bathed, read to and settled for their own slumber. While prayer is ready and available every moment of our harried days, we often reach for it as a last resort rather than a first option when we are stressed.

In light of current events, we are living under a new set of circumstances these days. Free time seems to be more abundant as the pressure to get kids from activity to activity has been removed. I’m guessing many of us now have more time in which to pray. However, our busyness has now been overcome by worry. We have the time to pray. But are we using it?

Worry does nothing to help with our current or future situation and only robs us of precious moments in the present. Taking every worry and concern before our Creator allows us to hand over the burden or concern, giving the weight of that worry over to Him. It’s important to note that we’re supposed to take these requests to God with a spirit of thanksgiving, a heart grateful for God’s mercy and power, even in the midst of our worry.

Many times we pray quick prayers at meals or throw short conversations to God. In my own case, it can feel like a to-do list for my Maker. Here’s what I have today, Father. I’ve put them in order of priority. Fix it.

What might change in our spirits if we took time to earnestly go to God before we sunk into the pit of worry? What if we allowed Him to set the tone in our hearts and our household?

Challenge- Set a timer on your phone today for the the top of every hour. Let it be a reminder to pause, thank God for your blessings and lift up your worries to Him. 

Lord, change our hearts so you are our first contact when we are overcome with worry or anxious thoughts. Help us come to you with grateful hearts as we make our requests known to You. Please grant us peace as we learn not to be anxious about anything but to rely on You for everything. Amen